• info@hiramoralschool.com
  • +91 94 49 636 636, +91 98 45 803 903


  • K.G
  • 1st
  • 2nd
  • 3rd
  • 4th
  • 5th
  • 6th
  • 7th
  • Learning to read Arabic, using fathah, kasr and dhamm.
  • Starting Qur’an recitation.
  • Memorizing 14 dua’s for daily life.
  • Learning Islamic mannerism, like respect & love towards Allah, Parents & teachers.
  • Memorizing the last six Surahs.
  • 80 words in Arabic with meaning.
  • Arabic numbers from 1 to 10.
  •  Memorizing 20 dua’s for daily life. (Include previous year)
  • Basic knowledge of Allah, prophet, Qur’an and Ramadan.
  • 18 surahs reading and memorizing.
  • Basic knowledge about faith, akhira and ibada.(Islamic)
  • Reading with writing in simple sentences and poems.
  • Vocabulary: pronouns, demonstrative pronouns and question words.
  • And learn Arabic numbers from 11 to 30 (Arabic).
  • 25 surahs reading and memorizing.
  • Memorizing 37 duas for daily life. (including previous year).
  • Basic principles of Islam. Practical part of ibada’s. Eg. prayer and fasting. (Islamic)
  • Learning to make sentences and conversations, along with changing tense (past tense to present tense), including the female version(Arabic).
  • Arabic numbers 1 to 100 and learning to apply numbers in sentences.
  • 30 juz completed in thilawath. And 30 surahs to be memorized (including previous years).
  • Memorizing 46 duas for daily life.
  • Basic knowledge of Prophets history, like Muhammed(s), Ibrahim(a), yusuf(a), musa(a), etc.
  • Learning about optional prayer (sunnath prayer) and funeral prayer. (Islamic)
  • Learning about hajj and umrah.
  • Writing a paragraph in Arabic.
  • Learning  Grammar, like attached pronouns, possessive pronouns, singular and plural, Arabic numbers with usages, nouns and adjectives, genitive possession etc.
  • 11 surahs in 29th juz for thilawath.
  • Memorizing 30 juzs.
  • Memorizing 51 duas for daily life.
  • Learning selected surahs for recitation and memorization (eg, yaseen, sajada etc.).
  • Learning prayer and parts of prayer. Ablution, shart’s, fard’s, sunnaths, and optional  prayers (fiqh).
  • Memorizing 60 dua for daily life.
  • Brief history of 12 prophets. (Adam, Nuh, Musa, Easa, Muhammed(s), etc ) (History).
  • Learning 6th surahs with meaning and grammar.(Demonstrative pronouns, past tense with seven forms and present tense)(Qur’an study).
  • Learning 16 hadith based on Islamic morals (Hadith).
  • QUR'AN: Learning selected surahs for recitation and memorization. (isra’, kahf etc.).
  • FIQH: Detailed study on juma prayer, fasting, sunnah prayer, funeral prayer and hajj.
  • History: Detailed study about life of khilafat rashida. (Abu bakr, Umer, Uthman, Ali) and life of asharathul mubashireen, and history of Umavi period and Abbasi period.
  • Qur’an study: 8 surahs with meaning.
  • ARABIC: Introduction to derivative forms. Feminine verb, passive voice, verbal sentence, nominal sentence etc.
  • FIQH:
  • TILAWA: Al-Baqara 1 to 143
  • HIFD: